2008年1月29日 星期二

universal post news-today news january 30 2008

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January 30, 2008
world lottery-taiwan 539 & u.s.a.powerball
world lottery-taiwan 539 & u.s.a.powerball

world lottery-taiwan 539 & u.s.a.powerball

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2008 世界樂透97 1 月 30 預測號碼.
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in yahoo http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/kentyen2006

u.s.a. powerball 02 16 29 38 49 specail 05 u.s.a. powerball
02 16 29 38 49 specail 05

台灣 539 01 06 12 19 26
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taiwan 539

01 06 12 19 26
08 11 18 20 30



uptoday at 無名小站 於 10:03 AM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
January 30, 2008
「呷七碗」連續四年為街友辦尾牙桌物價狂漲 愛心不減
物價狂漲 愛心不減

連絡人:人安基金會/公關組劉季蓁 2836-1600#123、0933-804-904


uptoday at 無名小站 於 09:53 AM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
January 30, 2008
2008鼠來寶 威立向您報佳音 願您 健康.歡樂.財富 鼠不完 人喜盛世 鼠兆豐年!
2008鼠來寶 威立向您報佳音

願您 健康.歡樂.財富 鼠不完
人喜盛世 鼠兆豐年!

Happy Chinese New Year of MICE
Wishing you Prosperity and Weal th

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唐嘉蔚Patti 唐伯寅Eric 暨全體同賀

Willy Event Consultants Co., LTD. PCO.
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唐嘉蔚 Patti Tang

Willy Event Consultants Co., LTD. PCO.
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TEL:886-2-2766-5367 #15
Website: http://www.willypco.com.tw
E-mail: louisa@willypco.com.tw





uptoday at 無名小站 於 09:52 AM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
January 30, 2008
INTERGAS V, the leading and largest InternationalOil, GaOs and Petrochemicals event for Egypt
INTERGAS V, the leading and largest International

Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals event for Egypt

Under the High patronage of H.E. Eng Sameh Fahmy, Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources in Egypt,


The outstanding achievements and unprecedented audience of the 4th edition in 2007 with over 11,000 executives from 49 countries firmly established INTERGAS as the must-attend event for all companies working and wanting to enhance their business in Egypt oil, gas and petrochemicals sectors.

The influence of the leading event for Egypt, North Africa and the Middle East is now second to none. Supported by the words of the Ministers of Egypt, Kuwait and the UAE:

t the first time for Egypt to host such a successful conference & exhibition with this huge number of visitors. It is an honour for Egypt and all other Arab countries to have such a prestigious event. INTERGAS reflects the progress of Oil & Gas industries in Egypt.?/span>

H.E. Eng Sameh Fahmy, Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Egypt

e are happy to come here to look for opportunities to invest in Egypt easily through this international event which includes this big number of international Oil & Gas companies.?/span>

H.E. Mohamed Bin Zan El Hamili, Ninister of Energy, U.A.E.

o doubt INTERGAS becomes year by year an important point of meeting for the oil & gas specialists so from that point we try to participate as much as we can to encourage our industry in Kuwait to participate, besides the success of INTERGAS reflects the success of Arab countries in this sector.?/span>

H.E. Sheik Ali Gerrah Al Sabbah, former Minister of Oil, Sate of Kuwait

INTERGAS goes from strength to strength

The last edition was hailed as the best ever

352 exhibitors - 49 countries - 11,116 participants

Supported by:

INTERGAS V Exhibition

11-14 May 2009

Be a part of the region largest oil & gas event that delivers a real audience for your products and services and meet everyone who matters to your business in the region and generate endless leads.

The best exhibition stand positions and high profile sponsorship opportunities are available now. INTERGAS is a sell-out event, so if you want to be involved and secure a great location please contact Laurent Calvet immediately:

Laurent Calvet on Tel: +44 20 7978 0018, or email: lcalvet@thecwcgroup.com

INTERGAS V Conference

The Strategic Conference is led by H.E. Eng. Sameh Fahmy, Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, the Chairpersons of state companies EGAS, EGPC, ECHEM, Ganope and EMRA alongside the industry national and international leaders and experts.

Taking place alongside the INTERGAS V Exhibition, the Strategic Conference attracts more than 1,000 senior level delegates.

To enhance your participation and secure one of the prestigious sponsorship opportunities please contact:

Peter Braham on Tel: +44 20 7978 0087, or email: pbraham@thecwcgroup.com



uptoday at 無名小站 於 09:50 AM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
January 30, 2008
2008 Good Design,「天使」有愛歲末愛心送暖--輔具捐贈記者會暨捐贈儀式
2008 Good Design,「天使」有愛






時間: 97年1月31日 (四)14:00~15:20




鄭詩穎 02-26558199 分機135 / philocheng@tdc.org.tw


吳沛瀅 02-26558199 分機191 / ceciliawu@tdc.org.tw

97.01.31 《2008Good Design歲末愛心送暖》輔具捐贈記者會

u 時間: 97年1月31日(四)14:00 - 15:00

u 地點:台灣創意設計中心 (台北市南港區園區街三之ㄧ號G棟3樓)

u 主辦單位:台南科技大學、台灣創意設計中心

u 協辦單位:榮仁貿易公司

u 受贈單位:台南市私立天主教瑞復益智中心 、高雄縣身心障礙福利服務中心、瑪利亞社會福利基金會 、第一社會福利基金會、台北縣輔具資源中心

u 捐贈輔具:

1. 小天使-學齡前腦性麻痺兒童復健專用腳踏車

2. CP4「坐、站、躺」三合一?#92;能?#92;位輔具

u 活動流程規劃:




主辦單位- 本中心張光民 執行長 致詞

協辦單位- 榮仁公司代表致詞

台南科技大學 宋毅仁設計師致詞 (含受贈產品說明簡報)



1. 台南市私立天主教瑞復益智中心

2. 高雄縣身心障礙福利服務中心

3. 瑪利亞社會福利基金會

4. 第一社會福利基金會

5. 台北縣輔具資源中心




uptoday at 無名小站 於 09:49 AM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
January 30, 2008
七大電信 熱情入列警察165 喜添援軍165反詐騙聯合服務平台會師記者會
七大電信 熱情入列
警察165 喜添援軍





uptoday at 無名小站 於 09:48 AM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
January 30, 2008

(台北報導)第一屆「全球新興民主論壇」25日於台北正式召開,陳水扁總統、薩爾瓦多前總統佛洛瑞斯(Francisco Guillermo Flores Peréz)、韓國前總統金泳三(Kim Young-sam)、波蘭前總統華勒沙(Lech Wałęsa)、羅馬尼亞前總統康斯坦斯古(Emil Constantinescu)、以及南非前總統戴克拉克(Frederik Willem de Klerk)等共六位現任與卸任國家元首與會。臺灣民主基金會董事長 王金平 先生表示,相信「全球新興民主論壇」必然能將新興民主國家的實際治理經驗,有效分享並充份整合,進而協助尚未民主化國家完成民主轉型。在會議召開之前,六國領袖一同參觀了「台灣民主影像走廊」回顧台灣的民主化歷程。並且主持啟動光牆儀式,為「全球新興民主論壇」揭開序幕。












2008 Global Forum on New Democracies Held in Taipei

Six Current and Former Presidents Discuss Achievements and Challenges

On 25 January 2008 , six current and former heads of state took part in the "Global Forum on New Democracies," in the Taipei Grand Hyatt. In this event, President Chen Shui-bian of Taiwan , Former President Francisco Guillermo Flores Pérez of El Salvador , Former President Kim Young-sam of Korea , Former President Lech Wałęsa of Poland, Former President Frederik Willem de Klerk of South Africa , and Former President Emil Constantinescu of Romania jointly participated in an all-day dialogue discussing the achievements and challenges to new democracies. The overall mission of this forum, in the words of Taiwan Foundation for Democracy Chairman and Speaker of the Legislative Yuan Wang Jin-pyng, is to be" …a platform that will share and bring together real-world experiences of democratic governance in a way that can assist undemocratic countries to fully democratize."

Before the opening ceremony, the six leaders together launched the special exhibition titled "Taiwan Democracy" by simultaneously illuminating the multimedia display wall. The opening ceremony consisted of remarks by each of the eight leaders. President Chen started off by saying, "In the past two years, we have witnessed the military coup in Thailand, the brutal suppression of the "saffron revolution" in by the junta in Burma, the assassination of Pakistan opposition leader Benazir Bhutto, and the widespread post-election violence in Kenya. At the same time, we have also seen the successful election of a new president in South Korea and the smooth holding of fiercely competitive legislative elections and referendums in Taiwan . Thus, democratic consolidation and setbacks can coexist in the world, and that democratic development is not necessarily linear."

Both President de Klerk and President Kim stressed the responsibilities of a democratic political party. President de Klerk said, "The State must retain an identity separate and independent from the ruling party, regardless of its majority." President Kim had stated, "A true democratic leader does not agitate people to achieve his political goals." President Flores warned us of the new face of totalitarianism as manifested in Latin America , saying, "Dictatorships are being born, but with the novelty that they are sanctified by popular vote." Also speaking against dictatorships, President Constantinescu credited national strength to "the positive values gathered by faith into moral principles," instead of "the blind obedience to a saving leader."

Former President of Bulgaria , Zhelyu Zhelev, had been planning to attend, but was unable to fly due to weather conditions. He sent a telegram expressing his regret, stating, "I would like to inform you of my full support for the declaration you shall vote at the end of the conference and ask you to consider me as its co-signatory." In addition, he asked President Constantinescu to read his opening remarks on his behalf.

In the first roundtable, the leaders shared their views about choosing a constitutional system and party politics. President Kim started this off, saying, "The government that came after my term ten years ago missed important opportunities for enhancing democracy to the next stage by immersing in inciting the public with the outdated 'democracy versus anti-democracy' struggle, and the populace abused and misused democracy with emotions and excitement" President Flores spoke of El Salvador' s success story when a choosing a new constitution and reforming the government from top to bottom. Of all that had made El Salvador's success possible, he credited the people's patriotism as the most important, but claiming, "We chose democracy out of the most brutal historical lesson—the lack of freedom produces violence and eventually leads to war." After the presentations, a free exchange of views took place, towards the end of which President de Klerk asked, to what extent is China moving to constitutionalism, or is it only focused on economic growth? President Wałęsa responded by asserting that, in the 21st century, all countries that which to prosper must adopt the path of freedom and democracy, and that China and Russia will not be able to hold back this trend. He added that the purpose of the GFND and similar events is to make the process faster and more peaceful.

Later in the second roundtable, the leaders discussed party politics. President Kim chairing the session said, "The national economy will prosper when companies compete freely in the market; by the same token, when political parties compete freely with party lines and policies, the whole nation will prosper." President Constantinescu stated, …"the bond of democracy is … a pluralist system represented by powerful parties with well structured ideologies, able to ensure an alternation to power and a civic society able to control the power, whatever it would be."

In the third roundtable during the afternoon, President Chen and President Wałęsa discussed transitional justice. President Chen stated, "Today all new democracies must face the difficult issues of transitional justice, absolutely not in order to exact political revenge or reckoning, but in order to insist more strongly on democracy and human rights. Under the principles of democracy and the rule of law, we all need to make more efforts to realize justice and fairness." He continued, "Many people believe that the past authoritarian regime, despite its poor human rights record, at least brought stability and economic growth to Taiwan . This is the so-called ‘Asian democracy,’ where people supposedly accept a little less democracy, a little less freedom, a little less human rights, in exchange for more economic growth. But history has proved that this theory is just an excuse used by authoritarian dictatorships, including today's Chinese regime, to reject democracy and abuse human rights." President Wałęsa spoke next, saying, "Those politicians and groups that won victory in the conflict should be very happy… and then consolidate structures adequately equipped in dealing with justice. Under no circumstances should these politicians or groups carry out the justice." After describing the experience of South Africa , President de Klerk stated, "Monetary compensation [for victims] cannot be sufficient; the best way of compensation is to make the system work, the creation of opportunities for the people, and bringing real democracy to the country."

Discussing the role of civil society, President de Klerk stated, "Our Constitution specifically requires Parliament to facilitate public involvement in the legislative and other processes of the National Assembly and its committees. It also requires Parliament to conduct its business in an open manner and to ensure that the public has access to all its deliberations." President Zhelev's remarks (read by President Constantinescu) emphasized the economic basis of civil society, that it requires a diversity of property ownership, as well as small and medium-enterprises. President Chen responded by calling for the establishment of a "Global Corporate Partnership Award" as the first concrete action by the GFND to deepen the relations among participating countries: "Our initial idea is to establish a "Global Corporate Partnership Award Foundation" in Taipei, which would raise private and corporate funds in order to fund its operations; annually award US$100,000 prizes to each of 10 businessmen from new democracies who have made special contributions to technology, venture capital, or development the support of new democracies, and then invite the award winners to Taiwan for exchanges with Taiwanese businesses, to promote cooperation and investment opportunities." President Chen also described the situation in China , saying that nationalization of the military is the most pressing issue: "If the military cannot be nationalized, China cannot be considered a democracy." He expressed the hope for democratization in China , using the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union as examples of how great change may take place unexpectedly. He further stated, "Today all of the new democracies must redouble our efforts, in the hope that our collective experiences, both the success stories and the painful lessons, can have a lighthouse effect, giving more learning opportunities the Chinese Communist Party and all the citizens of the People's Republic of China ."

In the final session, each head of state gave his closing remarks. President Kim stated, "In some countries like North Korea, people are forfeited even the basic right to live as human beings," before saying, "No ideology can be allowed to invade basic human rights and freedoms, and no one should turn away from our neighbors suffering under tyranny." President Constantinescu notably said, "The Taoist ideal of universal harmony, the Confucian ideal of the compassionate man, and the Buddhist notion of universal benevolence… [are] compatible with the concept of democracy created by Western European civilization."

The forum ended with each head of state signing the Joint Declaration for the Global Forum on New Democracies. The Declaration described both positive and negative global trends in democratization. First, the Declaration stated, …"[W]e Some authoritarian and totalitarian countries in many parts of the world still refuse to embrace democracy, and human rights violations in some of these countries have become increasingly severe. Meanwhile, democratization in a number of new democracies is in serious turmoil."

Second, the Declaration stated, …"[W]e are convinced that freedom and democracy are in the shared best interests of all mankind. Cooperation and concerted action among new democracies not only contribute to deepening and consolidating democracy but also accelerate the arrival of the fourth wave of democratization." Furthermore, the Declaration stated, …"[W]e resolutely advocate the following three principles: 1) the democratic and sovereign rights of the people…. 2) human rights…. 3) democracy and peace…."

The Declaration also listed three "points of opposition": "Firstly, we oppose the use of violence or other non-peaceful means to solve any conflict or dispute…." "Secondly, we oppose assisting, encouraging or appeasing dictatorships or authoritarian regimes for any reason or in any form…. "Thirdly, we oppose the restriction, deprivation or even infringement of basic human rights for any reason or in any form...."

Finally, the Declaration listed its support of the following three "main positions": "Firstly, mutual help and cooperation between new democracies must move from experience sharing to concerted action that accelerates the pace of integration of resources and creation of new ideas…." "Secondly, we should strengthen dialogue and exchanges with advanced democracies on the issues of freedom, democracy, human rights and peace." "Thirdly, we support all forms of international cooperation on promoting democracy, including initiatives for a 'community of democracies' and 'democratic partnerships'."

The Taiwan Foundation for Democracy will continue to promote global democratic development through this forum and other activities, to strengthen exchanges and solidarity among new democracies, and to encourage those countries which are not yet democratizing.


uptoday at 無名小站 於 09:46 AM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
January 30, 2008
達有線電視採用北電乙太網路解決方案 建置全新IPTV網路
威達有線電視採用北電乙太網路解決方案 建置全新IPTV網路

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uptoday at 無名小站 於 09:43 AM 發表 | 回應(0) | 引用(0) | 刪除 | 修改 | 轉寄給朋友
January 30, 2008
震旦通訊春節期間不打烊 ~2月新聞稿及全省門巿春節營業時間 (
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